If you have been keeping track of me
and my blog posts for the past 6 months, I am sure that you have been
disappointed by the general lack of exposition on Kalimpong, India,
and what I am observing about both.
In a tourist guide to India I read last
year it said something like “the more you know about India the
less you understand.” This has been very true of my experiences the
past months. The more I see and learn, the more realize that I cannot
fully know of understand this country or its many peoples.
I haven't written much about of my
insights or observations on India and its culture on this blog yet
because I feel ill-equipped and unqualified to do so. I am looking at
things here through the dimly lit kaleidoscopic lens of being a
foreigner in this place, I get glimpses of the dark and light of
reality but they are all jumbled up and out of context in my
perception. What furthers this handicap is my experiences are quite
shallow. I feel that in this cozy house,
tucked up on the mountain
surrounded by a fences,
buffered by school grounds and the
principles house and gardens,
which rarely looses power or has water
where I eat dahl and rice made by our cook for lunch,
am treated to American dinners and baked goodies in the evenings,
that I haven't earned a right or a place to comment on the culture
and country that I am living in.
The garden in the front of our compound |
Though I feel unqualified to comment at
all, I am still going to attempt to share with you what I am learning
about this strange wild beautiful country I am living in.
Check back for posts in a series I am
calling “The Real India”
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